Friday, February 5, 2016

Snow Days

Growing up, snow days used to be the BEST.  Then adulthood came along with a job in a hospital and a 30 mile commute... and snow days? Not so fun anymore.  Next, came parenthood - and luckily for me no more job away from home that requires me to get there no matter the weather.  Therefore, snow days are fun again. Right? Ummmmm.... I though so, until this particular storm blizzard.

My job now is taking care of a family made up of 3 humans, a canine, a feline, 25 chickens and a few hives of honeybees.  This work doesn't give me a paycheck and, truth be told, very few "thank yous." Despite this, I am so very thankful to have such a big "family" to love and care for.  A little snow shouldn't be an issue.

The snow is beautiful here.  Looking out any window of my home I see a winter wonderland. Except for yesterday.  Yesterday all I could see was WHITE.  It snowed and snowed and snowed some more.  To top it off, the wind was brutal and created shoulder height snow drifts.  The highest drifts strategically located at all entry/exit ways to our home, including the chicken coop doors!

The view from the front of my house yesterday afternoon.

A drop of advice for anyone building a chicken coop in their yard: keep it closer to the house than you think you should - especially if you live in a cold, snowy region.

The path I shoveled to the chicken coop this morning.

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