Friday, October 16, 2015

Hello friends.  It's another beautiful day in Chester County, PA.  I know that I've gushed about how much I love Autumn before - so I'll spare you my descriptions of color and scents that I am soaking in.  Suffice it to say that the earth is a little slice of heaven to me right now.  I'll let these pictures speak for me.

Halloween is coming up.  Fast.  I have some of the cutest spooky decorations that I've collected over the years that are just waiting to be put up on display.... Yes, waiting patiently in their orange and black tub in our guest room.  Hey, at least they made it down one flight of stairs from the attic!  My goal for this afternoon (in addition to dusting, vacuuming, tidying up the plethora of toys, laundry, cooking dinner, feeding the chickens, etc.....) is to get at the very least my favorite decorations out!

It's bad, I know.  But, I am way ahead of schedule in the costume department!  For myself, I made a wicked witch costume that I had the pleasure of wearing the other weekend for an antiques show called "The Witches of Bethel." FUN! All of the vendors dressed as witches and there were some great creative costumes in addition to all the amazing antiques and artisan crafts.

Not only that, but my 4 year old son decided over a month ago that he wanted to be the Statue of Liberty for Halloween this year.  "Wanted" is the keyword in that sentence.  He has since changed his mind - so we shall see what he finally decides at the last moment.  Lucky for him I love to be creative and am wrapped around his little finger.

Anyway, being the fun and creative crazy mommy I am, I made him this costume in about an hour one evening.  It's not my best creation every, but I think I came out pretty cute! The torch even lights up (Thank you very much, Dollar Store flashlight!)  And you've gotta love his tablet working as the book.  It is 2015, after all. ;)

He wanted me to take his picture in the powder room so you could see his torch light up.  Um, okay.  I hate the wallpaper in the powder room.  And who wants to see a toilet in the background?  Oh well, he's so cute that you won't notice.  Also, redecorating the powder room can be a future blog post.   

 Perhaps the Statue of Liberty is not an obvious choice for a 4 year old boy - but lately he is into maps, cities, and landmarks.  So, why not?  It was also a great opportunity to teach him about America.  I'm proud to say that my maternal grandparents (as well as my elder uncles and aunt) came into the USA through Ellis Island and their names are commemorated there.  Those same grandparents studied hard and became citizens of this great country made of immigrants. It was one of the proudest moments in their lives.  If it weren't for them being so brave and adventurous, I wouldn't be here today.  The American Dream.  May it live on.

That's it for now.  Until next time be happy, be kind, be patient and make the world a little better than you found it. The little things you do each day make a difference.

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