Friday, October 30, 2015

A Change of Desires

So, my wonderful husband got me a sweet bracelet from a famous jeweler for our anniversary last weekend. It was truly a shock - as he is not into material items.  Don't get me wrong, when we got married, he bought me the most beautiful engagement and wedding band ensemble - more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.  To this day, I gaze at it with joy.  But, that was pretty much it.  Yes, there have been other gifts of jewelry over the years, but they came after my special request and not so subtle hints.  Besides, before we met, I had already been lucky enough to have a nice collection of jewelry from lost loves and gifts to me, from me.  My love of antiquing has helped foster my collection of sparkly shiny things as well.  To me, it's like treasure hunting!  And just so you know, it doesn't have to be expensive to be a treasure to me!

As I may have hinted to in previous posts, my dear husband is a workaholic.  We pretty much only see each other on weekends.  He also often has to work on weekends as well, but usually, at home, thankfully.  This anniversary weekend was no exception.  He arrived home after 7 pm (which was early for him!).  Because we have a 4 year old, going out that late typically isn't for us.  So, I prepared an extravagant anniversary dinner for us including his favorite things - French Onion Soup (but with wild mushrooms - some harvested from our property too!), mixed greens with heirloom tomatoes and fresh mozzarella,  sauteed asparagus spears with prosciutto, and grilled steak.  I adore cooking, so it was my pleasure to do this for us!  I even bought my own flowers as I wanted to have the table perfect for us.  (I know, I'm weird - but I told him not to get me flowers).  We typically go somewhere to eat and sometimes to the theater for occasions such as this and forego gifts, except for cards.  So, when he walked into the house with a little blue bag, I was shocked.  Excited too!

Inside the blue bag, blue box, and little drawstring pouch was a lovely little beaded silver bracelet.  Adorable.  But, too small for my wrist.  Sad face.  He immediately told me that I could exchange it for whatever I wanted since it didn't fit me. It made me feel sad that it wasn't really my taste either - but truth be told, I am (mostly) a practical person.  If we are going to spend a significant amount of money on something, I want it to be valuable and useful. How is jewelry useful? Well, if I can wear it a lot, that is useful to me!

I spent that evening browsing that jewelry store's website and found the perfect necklace with a horseshoe on it.  Simple, delicate, and something I can wear daily. (Also, who couldn't use a little extra luck?) So, the next chance I had sans little one, I went in for the exchange. I dropped little man off at play school and headed over to the big fancy mall.  Since I only have a limited amount of time alone (about 2 1/2 hours 2 days per week), I got to the mall early - before the stores were open.

I hadn't been in this mall for months, possibly even a year or more.  This was strange.  In the old days, I used to be a shopping fanatic.  I knew the locations of the clearance racks in every store and the layout of the mall like the back of my hand.  Things changed when I became a mom.  Now I know my way around Target, Tractor Supply, Carter's, and Osh Kosh like nobody's business.  What were all of these fancy display windows? (I took a picture of one that it was so beautifully done! Look below.) There was music playing that had me singing along and feeling happy.  So very happy.  Wow, the marketing experts know what they are doing.
This has inspired me to do this in my own home... now I  just have to DO it and not dream of it!

It was lovely.  But, then I started to think - even if I had unlimited spending money - would I go crazy here?  Nope.  At this phase of my life I would rather spend it on something completely different: like a hot air balloon ride over beautiful Chester County in the Autumn, tickets to the theater, a thick wad of cash at a flea market/antique show, or even (gasp) upgrading the beehives or chicken coop!  And then there is always those goats I've been wanting and a tractor, yes please!

Does this mean I never want to receive a special gift of jewelry from my husband again?  Hell no! But, I don't need fancy things to be happy.  I don't need to wear certain brands to impress anyone or feel good about myself.  I just want to be me.  I don't need to have the latest, greatest, or best to be happy.  I just need to be me: the person who loves to be a mom, wife, great cook, gardener, beekeeper, chicken lady, antique/vintage stuff enthusiast, artist, goofball lady in denim overalls and chuck taylors who breaks out in song at any given moment....

To sum it up, I desire to be about the experiences and moments in life and not about the material things.  I am incredibly fortunate to have more than I need to survive.  Plenty of stuff.  What is important in life (to me at least) is to love life and enjoy the ride.  That is what fills me up inside.  I hope you can find what fills you with good feelings too.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Hello friends.  It's another beautiful day in Chester County, PA.  I know that I've gushed about how much I love Autumn before - so I'll spare you my descriptions of color and scents that I am soaking in.  Suffice it to say that the earth is a little slice of heaven to me right now.  I'll let these pictures speak for me.

Halloween is coming up.  Fast.  I have some of the cutest spooky decorations that I've collected over the years that are just waiting to be put up on display.... Yes, waiting patiently in their orange and black tub in our guest room.  Hey, at least they made it down one flight of stairs from the attic!  My goal for this afternoon (in addition to dusting, vacuuming, tidying up the plethora of toys, laundry, cooking dinner, feeding the chickens, etc.....) is to get at the very least my favorite decorations out!

It's bad, I know.  But, I am way ahead of schedule in the costume department!  For myself, I made a wicked witch costume that I had the pleasure of wearing the other weekend for an antiques show called "The Witches of Bethel." FUN! All of the vendors dressed as witches and there were some great creative costumes in addition to all the amazing antiques and artisan crafts.

Not only that, but my 4 year old son decided over a month ago that he wanted to be the Statue of Liberty for Halloween this year.  "Wanted" is the keyword in that sentence.  He has since changed his mind - so we shall see what he finally decides at the last moment.  Lucky for him I love to be creative and am wrapped around his little finger.

Anyway, being the fun and creative crazy mommy I am, I made him this costume in about an hour one evening.  It's not my best creation every, but I think I came out pretty cute! The torch even lights up (Thank you very much, Dollar Store flashlight!)  And you've gotta love his tablet working as the book.  It is 2015, after all. ;)

He wanted me to take his picture in the powder room so you could see his torch light up.  Um, okay.  I hate the wallpaper in the powder room.  And who wants to see a toilet in the background?  Oh well, he's so cute that you won't notice.  Also, redecorating the powder room can be a future blog post.   

 Perhaps the Statue of Liberty is not an obvious choice for a 4 year old boy - but lately he is into maps, cities, and landmarks.  So, why not?  It was also a great opportunity to teach him about America.  I'm proud to say that my maternal grandparents (as well as my elder uncles and aunt) came into the USA through Ellis Island and their names are commemorated there.  Those same grandparents studied hard and became citizens of this great country made of immigrants. It was one of the proudest moments in their lives.  If it weren't for them being so brave and adventurous, I wouldn't be here today.  The American Dream.  May it live on.

That's it for now.  Until next time be happy, be kind, be patient and make the world a little better than you found it. The little things you do each day make a difference.