Well, it seems as if I started this blog and then went MIA... It's true, I began with all of the best intentions and then the move, the winter, and most of all - the overwhelming options of what to do next pretty much took me for a loop.
We made the move in late January - just in time for the coldest, snowiest winter to hit. And it hit us hard - and won in a knockout. There is a small farm nearby that I drive by often that at one point put up a white flag with a sign reading, "Okay winter, we give up. You win!" That was wonderfully funny - and TRUE!
But now, here we are and it is officially summer. So, where have I been, and what have I been up to? Well, lots of different things. Because my husband is a workaholic and we are in the process of renovating our old house to get ready for tenants - not too much has happened here at our new farm. We have been toying with lots of different ideas of what to grow here - and yes, there will definitely be some pears - but we ran out of time to truly start farming properly this year - so we are allowing a local dairy farmer to grow feed corn on our property. He and his brother are wonderfully kind and friendly - and have proved to be a great resource for our many questions. My husband and I decided that it would be wisest to gather as much information and educate ourselves as much as possible before investing in a crop (or crops) to grow on our new little kingdom.
So far this year I have gotten 15 new chicks, started 2 new beehives and we have started to build a new big and beautiful chicken coop and run. Besides that, we have been doing major repairs on our roof - and did I mention that my husband is typically away all week for his business? Needless to say, things are progressing slowly (but surely).
That has left me alone with my 3 year old a lot - and I have to admit that while he is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me and I love him more than words can say, he can certainly exhaust this 40-something mommy!
In my first blog, I showed you a table I rejuvenated - and since then I have done LOTS of other pieces. Some for my home and some for my new endeavor - a booth at a local shop called The Morgantown Market - located in Morgantown, PA - please check out (and LIKE) their Facebook page! HERE My spaces is just a 5'x8' area that I have filled with "a mishmash of homegrown, handmade, vintage, and rejuvenated items to bring life and love to your home." It's kept me quite busy shopping, creating, rejuvenating old pieces, and keeping all of the stock inventory records.
Please forgive me for my period of being MIA... I have lots of things to share coming up - so stay posted!