Friday, November 13, 2015

"Junk" Collecting

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a "junk" collector.  I love old, pretty, and unique items.  My car seems to have a mind of its own when driving by a thrift shop, yard sale, or flea market... not to mention good stuff left with a "FREE" sign on it by the side of the road. Seriously, did someone really throw away that cherry dining table? And how about that antique dining chair with a broken arm?  If I don't save it, the trash collector will!  It may take me a bit of elbow grease, but I know that there is something beautiful in there waiting to be brought back to life!  I have even dumpster dived with my sweet equally crazy mother in law right in the middle of down town Kennett Square, PA.  If memory serves me right, it was the fall of 1998 and we found some cool old wooden fruit crates with brightly printed labels IN A DUMPSTER.  Yes, we climbed in.  Or maybe she was the only one to climb in.  That time.  Perhaps that is where it all began for me.  Yes.  She is definitely to blame thank for my problem skill.

I know that many people find these types of places messy, unorganized, overwhelming, and filled with junk (perhaps a little like my home?).  Okay, some of that is true - there is a lot of junk in there - but the saying one man's trash is another man's treasure is definitely true.  At least for me.  Don't get me wrong - some of that trash is still trash even to me - but beauty is most definitely in the eye of the beholder.  When it comes to "junking" I like to think of myself as one who wears rose colored glasses.  I see things for what they could be in addition to what they already are.  I also value the nostalgia of a well loved item.  That old serving platter that has been through countless family dinners is special.  The vintage Christmas decoration has so much more personality than today's mass produced stuff.  Perhaps it has a little chip or hairline crack - but hey, I've got my share of chips and cracks too. That's what makes me ME.

Today I had a little over an hour to go treasure hunting.  I did pretty well.  Like this antique chair for $7.  And this cool reproduction shelf for $10.  I also found some sweet milk glass dessert plates, pewter dinner plates, pewter decanter labels, and faux bone handled silverware. 

Unfortunately for me, my dear husband doesn't really enjoy supporting my propensity for "gathering."  Fortunately for me, I have a little disposable income from selling my chicken's farm fresh eggs.  So I can TOTALLY justify my pastime!  What is that old saying? Happy wife, happy life? Enough said.

Writing this blog is a great motivation to put all these newly found treasures to good use.  I am most certainly inspired to get this shelf hung and filled with beautiful junk ASAP.  After all, I have at least a few readers depending on me.  Now, is there anyone available to help me move a 600 pound upright piano?  It needs to be moved up 2 steps and down the hall because the Empire chest needs that spot so I can hang my new shelf above it...  The wheels are turning indeed.