Tuesday, September 29, 2015

So, it's been an inexcusable amount of time since my last post. What can I say? Life happens. But now I am vowing to take more time for this blog – using it not only to share what is going on in my little corner of the world, but also as a way for me to journal what is going on inside me.

Now that my 4 (almost 5) year old son has started in a fabulous pre-k that focuses on play to spark learning, I have a bit more time to devote to this blog. He goes weekdays from 9-11:45 am. Since it's about 25 minutes away from our home, it makes no sense for me to rush home only to rush back in to pick him up. So, into a cozy little coffee shop I go, and type away.

Starting him in this Play School is a big time commitment from me – so begins the mom taxi duties that will probably last for the next dozen or so years. It also means less alone time for me to work on my creative endeavors (making over furniture and creating jewelry, etc.). Instead I'll have my sidekick with me when I attempt to do all my dirty work... which creates more work for mommy! Oh well, I did think long and hard before enrolling him in this fantastic school – and, of course, I came to the conclusion that he will only be this age once and it's worth it for him to have a magical learning experience. Besides, I get to be a helper in the kindergarten classroom 2 days per week – so I get to share in the magic as well!

So, expect to not only hear about what is going on at our little farm, but also some insights on motherhood from an older (I’m 47!), somewhat introverted, creative, silly, often single mom. I say often single, as my husband is out of town for work from Sunday night until Friday night pretty much every week – leaving pretty much all of the dirty work of parenthood to me. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful to have the opportunity to be at home with my child – in today's world it truly is a blessing. However, after working full time for 20 years to then become a SAHM, isn't as easy as one may think. Honestly, the job I have now is much harder!

Well, before a big debate starts about who has it harder (SAHM or working moms) – know that the grass always looks greener on the other side and we ALL work hard. I can only speak for myself only when I say that I am pretty much a hot mess. I am far from perfect in every way. Perhaps being an older mother has given me a different perspective. I am at peace with the fact that my home mostly looks like a toy store that was ransacked. My ceiling fans are dusty – as are my baseboards. My laundry is washed – but rarely put away. Do I wish my home were perfect? Of course I do. Or at least a good bit closer to perfect... but the most important thing to me is that my child is happy and feels safe and loved. I am pretty sure I have nailed that one... well, at least most of the time!

I want to teach him that life is what you make it. Being kind to others, including animals and the earth is paramount. Choosing happiness makes all the difference. Things most certainly won't always go your way but how we see things and allow them to affect us makes all the difference in the world. Find what makes you happy and dive in. There is more that I want him to learn and understand but, as I am still learning myself (I believe it is a lifelong process), I know that he will have to find his own way.

Wow, I sure have gotten away from my typical blog topic – but in many ways, it all meshes together. Living in harmony – with the earth, with others, with yourself – makes life beautiful. And, what more can we want? Making the best of what is around you and being the best for the others around = happiness. So, be happy my friends.

Here are some photos from the fair we attended a few weeks ago.  Hope they make you smile!

too cute!

Sleeping piggies
line up everybody, it's time to eat!

pumpkin town!
giant pumpkins... how do they get them there in one piece???