Monday, September 8, 2014

Hello September!

Well hello there September!  Nice to see you again - although you didn't have to go and rush summer away like that so soon... but, truth be told, it is always nice to see you.  Mild days and cool nights are always welcome here.  Although less daylight isn't on the top of my list, it is nice that my chickens want to go to bed earlier - so I don't have to wait around to lock them in their coop.

August has been one busy month for me.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I opened a booth at a local antiques market -The Morgantown Market, in Morgantown, PA  It has kept me busy going to auctions, thrift shops, and flea markets - to keep unique and fun vintage items stocked in my booth - and, even a few more in my home!  (oops! hazard of the trade, I suppose...)

One of the reasons I opened the booth - was to find a good way to sell the furniture I've been rejuvenating.  Unfortunately, with a 5'x8' booth, there are only so many pieces I can fit in - so, in turn, my home is bursting at the seams with lots of extras just waiting for their coming out party - like debutantes!  I'm a little disappointed that my furniture isn't flying out of the shop - but, truth be told, I only have 2 big pieces there and for the one perfect person to come in, fall in love, and take it home - takes time.  It's only just about the 3 month point now - and I have sold a handful of smaller furniture items like a chair and a sewing cabinet.

This cute little sewing cabinet sold really quickly.  I brought it home in sad shape from an auction and gave it some TLC, a new outfit, and some jewelry.  She was irresistible!

My small items, on the other hand, are selling pretty well.  Many of those items are antique and vintage.  Some are home made.  I have a knack for finding 4 leaf clovers, so whenever I do, I pluck it out of the ground and pop it into one of my gigantic books to press and dry.  After that is done, I mount and frame them.  I've given a few to very special people and the rest have gone into my booth.  They seem to be a big hit.  I'm not surprised.  Who doesn't want a little good luck around?
There's one of my framed four leaf clover's up on the shelf!

All this being said, I've found that once you get into the antiques business, you meet a lot of interesting and like minded people.  Some are purists, some are funky, some are creative, and some just want to give new life to great old items (or junk- it depends on your perspective).  Some, like me, are a little bit of all of these.  Through the Morgantown Market's owner, I met a woman who is involved in another business called Home Eclective - located in Downingtown, PA.  This place is pretty cool.  Essentially, it's "a group of local artisans who love the art of creation and giving found treasures a second life and a new home." (Quote taken from their facebook page).  Well, I think that sounds like me!  Here is a link to their Facebook page:

Anyway, this weekend they are having an "Open Weekend" and I am going to be selling my furniture and other finds there!  I am both excited and nervous.  I'll be getting all these completed projects out of my home... Will people like them or hate them?  How much should I charge?  Is $ too much or too little?  Will I make enough to cover my expenses and continue on doing what I truly enjoy?  Lots of questions, I know... Time will tell.

Here are some of the items I'll have for sale there:

In the mean time, I've started a Facebook page for Pear Of Hearts Farm - if you are so inclined, check it out (and LIKE it!)  I haven't been the best at consistently posting on my blog - but really want to get better at that.  I do find that my Facebook page is a sort of Cliff Notes for my blog.  At least it hits the main topics!

Until next time - be grateful and kind and happiness will follow!